What is AWS Lambda Layer and why should you care? Do you remember the example from the last post about you being the medieval age warlord? Yeah. So you are still the same warlord who was able to make the right decisions after reading the post and now you are participating in warfare. Now you… Continue reading Managing packages with AWS Lambda Layer
Category: blogs
Understanding one of the most important AWS services – Lambda
What is AWS Lambda and why it is important? Suppose you are in the medieval age and you are a warlord of somewhere wanting to raid a village but you are on limited manpower. Now you have two options – recruit a group of soldiers permanently and raid the village. After plundering the village, since… Continue reading Understanding one of the most important AWS services – Lambda
Getting started with AWS Cognito Identity Pool
How to create a Developer Authenticated Identity with Identity pool and generate temporary credentials for the identity to call an authenticated API.